KDE4.0 desktop working with Xinerama

October 31, 2007 at 1:18 am | Posted in KDE | 8 Comments

Recently me and a few other people raised the issues with running a KDE4 desktop in a Xinerama setup. Aaron explained that he doesn’t have such a setup, so there was no testing. During the weekend we met a few times and I acted as his test droid 🙂

So after making things kinda worse first (having a clone of the left screen over on my right screen) Aaron managed to fix the issues I saw.

Sorry, seems like while saving the thing wordpress managed to cut it off. So here’s the rest:

That means I now have 2 wallpapers, one on each screen, one panel thats correctly positioned on my first screen and he even managed to fix the dropping of plasma applets. Those always went to the furthest right point on the desktop instead of the point where I released the mouse button.

And to prove that I’m right, here’s the screenshot (click to enlarge):

I hope we (as in you fellow reader 😉 can fix more bugs during the KDE4 bug krush saturday, so that the KDE4 desktop gets into shape for a release.

If you look close enough you’ll already see a pretty bad bug on that screenshot, the buttons in konqueror. This seems to be an issue that both KDE4 kstyles share, its fine when using a Qt style. The symptoms are different though, what you see is Oxygen, in Plastik I get black rectangles instead of buttons. I’ll try to get that fixed with the style devs this weekend. Another thing I noticed while doing the screenshot (and trying to write the blog inside Konqueror/KDE4) is that quite some message boxes/dialogs are not using the KDialog api correctly – or at least it seems like that. The last line in the dialogs text label is only displayed half (the upper half), this looks as if the dialog doesn’t use KDialog::centralWidget() as parent, but instead does something like setting a layout on the whole dialog (as you’d do with QDialog).


  1. Oh, that one. …


  2. Excellent work. Glad to see this incredible progress of plasma in such a short time. I had no doubt in my mind you guys could pull some voodoo magic in a few months.

  3. Hi Apaku, the screenshot is very good.. about fonts.. you have made some tuning for it? which videocard you are using?

  4. Yeah, I’ve changed some of them to Arial and some others which I like more. Easily doable via the system settings

    About the videocard, I have Radeon Mobility 9200 here, running under Xorg 7.2 with the free radeon driver. I’m _not_ using the MergedFB mode from the driver but instead plain X11 Xinerama. Also I can’t currently upgrade to 7.3 and use the XRandR 1.2 stuff as the newer radeon driver isn’t able to create a proper 2-screen-desktop here.

  5. […] KDE4.0 desktop working with Xinerama Recently me and a few other people raised the issues with running a KDE4 desktop in a Xinerama setup. Aaron explained […] […]

  6. Can you post about how you got kde4 to work with a xinerama setup? I am unable to get it up on KDE 4.0.1 on my system with a nvidia quadro 4.

  7. I just started it, thats all. Nothing more.

  8. Oh, for me it refuses to log on. All I get to see is the tips and tricks dialog. So I guess I can log in and that plasma has a problem with xinerama.

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