KDevelop4 RC3 released (RC2 tarballs are broken)

April 16, 2010 at 7:50 pm | Posted in KDevelop | 3 Comments

This time around svn got me, I’ve used the createtarball script from kdesdk to generate the RC2 tarballs so we ship translations. This worked just fine, except that for some unknown reason svn likes to not check out svn:externals when doing an svn co of kdevplatform.

This resulted in a kdevplatform tarball (yes I didn’t test-compile them as it was rather late already) that didn’t contain the expandingtree subdir in plugins/quickopen.

As (silently) updating 2 days old tarballs has proven to be a bit problematic in the past, I’ve decided to just push in another RC which fixes exactly this problem.

So tarballs for a working fresh RC for kdevelop and kdevplatform should be available from the mirrors in a few hours (and yes, this time I’ve built them on 3 systems to make sure they work).


  1. It’s incredible the amount of work you put into this project. Thanks!

  2. Packages for Kubuntu Karmic are available from my PPA:

  3. Could you please make sure to include link to the source? I spent at least a minute last time trying to find them. And I am going to do the same again today :O

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