Happy SoC coding everybody

April 26, 2010 at 9:48 pm | Posted in GSoC, KDE, KDevelop | 4 Comments

Google just announced the official and final list of accepted students for the SoC program. KDE got more accepted students this year than past, so its a big success for us all. This will hopefully again be a successful SoC season for KDE, bringing new contributors and implementing lots of cool ideas.

The KDevelop team got its share too, 2 students will work on the codebase. Aleix Pol is going to improve the community integration in KDevelop, targeting things such as easily finding the communication channels, easily getting the source and contributing patches back to the community. The other is improving the Quanta codebase (that is based on KDevPlatform like KDevelop) to bring it closer to a first release, this will be done by Milian Wolff. This is a very important SoC project for all of KDE as it’ll revive a very successful KDE3 app and the voting clearly showed that there are many people missing it badly.

I’m looking forward to the coding period and the results and hope that I’ll enjoy this SoC as mentor just like the past ones.

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